Monday 25 June 2012

What do you do if there’s a bomb in the building?

Nothing excites me more than visiting a new country – in this case Argentina….little did I know just how exciting living the life of a leadership keynote speaker could be! Having arrived on Tuesday morning; my first pre programmed thought was to visit the venue in advance of the Opening Leadership keynote on Wednesday morning. This was to prove difficult as we were to learn that a bomb had been found in the Grand Rex theatre in Buenos Aires that day. A police bomb squad subsequently found and disarmed it – it was due to be detonated by mobile phone at 4.30 pm which would have been the start of ex President of Columbia, Alvaro Uribe’s contribution.

Apparently it would have killed anyone within a five foot radius. The story went viral around the world featuring on everything from the Telegraph in the UK to the New York Times. Bad news was big news so to speak! Also on the bill was Manuel Estiartes sharing the story of Pepe Guardiola and Guy Caron, ex creative Director of Cirque de Soleil.

Though the conference due to heightened security was delayed for over an hour the following day; I enjoyed working with a very receptive and warm Latin American audience. Indeed it reaffirmed in me my opinion of the great marketing opportunity in South America on the basis that the culture very much mirrored the Irish experience – people were warm and friendly. Probably an even greater insight I learned from the event was not for a micro second did I ever fear for my safety. One could consider this unusual considering what happened. It was very much a case of feel no fear and do it regardless!!

At the Leadership conference, my focus was on sharing how you could Xceptionalize your business. The following key points were shared: - You are the culture creator – a culture that empowers or disempowers. Start with developing yourself if you want to develop a winning culture. - Leaders need to be able to see clearly before they can solve the challenges of the day. - The secret to build rapport with internal and external customers is in our DNA – Do Need Attention. - A Vision underpinned by values is critical to unleashing your potential. - Smart perseverance is a winning strategy - Ensure that your moments of truth/ touch points with customers are World class. After the conference and my duties as a Leadership keynote speaker dispensed, I took time to wander through Recoleta and the amazing cemetery where you will find the remains of Eva Peron; the must visit Boca and Caminito, San Telmo and much much more in the Home of the Tango. For more information regarding: Motivational Speaker training , Motivational Conference Speaker and Leadership Keynote Speaker please visit: Keynote Speakers

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