Thursday 26 July 2012

Get those ideas flowing!

More and more companies are finding that product life cycles are decreasing so it is critically important to have a flow of ideas that become the new generation of products for your organisation.
As a keynote business speaker more and more companies want you to inspire their audiences to unlock their innate creativity. As many studies have shown creativity is key in today’s world.
The lines of demarcation between the various sections in any organisation are becoming blurred. Forward-thinking companies have long recognised that every member of staff is actually a sales person. But what if every member of staff was also part of the Creative Team? How would your business change if every employee’s job description stipulated that they contribute one idea a month on how any aspect of their job could be improved?
To back up this initiative it would be imperative that a structure is in place to both harvest and develop the contributions. There is potential for a new role in an organisation - Ideas executive?
In late 2007, Phillips invited all 125,000 of its workers around the world to stop working and focus on thinking of ways to simplify the processes. The best ideas to come from this experiment would be implemented in all Phillips factories worldwide. This type of initiative would be a major internal Public Relations disaster if an implementation plan wasn’t in place.
Remember, even minor improvements over time can turn into a revolution, as asserted by Katsuaki Watanabe, Toyota President.
There is no genius in our company. We just do whatever we believe is right, trying every day to improve every little bit and piece, but when 70 years of very small improvements accumulate, they become a revolution.’
Having overtaken General Motors, Toyota is now the largest car manufacturer in the world.
Another interesting piece of research highlights the importance of not overlooking the ordinary and on focusing continually on the extraordinary in the context of innovation. Professor Amar Bhide of Columbia University found that only 12% of growth company founders attribute their success to an unusual or extraordinary idea while 88% reported that their success was due to “exceptional execution of an ordinary idea.”
Einstein once said that you cannot solve problems with the level of thinking that created them. He also said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result! And he also said that imagination is more important than knowledge!
So in my capacity as a Keynote Business speaker I advise individuals and organisations to change your thinking and move from the way ‘things have always been done’ and you’ll get a different outcome. It is important that individuals are allowed the freedom to act and think differently.
For more information regarding : Motivational Speaker Training and Motivational Keynote Speaker please visit :

Saturday 21 July 2012

Get those ideas flowing!

Everywhere we look we see God’s beauty. People everywhere are looking for ways to display God’s abundant love and show that one thing that sets them apart from others. Jesus tees are one way to show our commitment to Christ and our pledge to follow Him. Zealous personalities who are looking for individualism wear passionate clothing and strive to take up their armor of God daily. 
Jesus tees should be bold and daring just like Jesus and his disciples over 2,000 years ago. Edgy, strong Christians need edgy and strong apparel to present their aura of Christlikeness in the world today. When so many are searching for that “something” that will help them stand out and make their statement why wouldn’t Christians choose to show the world who they are and what they believe in?

Rather than just a plain shirt with a benign statement, devout Christians should shine their light and proclaim their faith that we can move mountains and that hope never dies. Wearing Jesus tees that have that one thing that makes us thirsty for God’s hope and God’s mercy is a way to directly affect those who see us in our daily walk. By donning Jesus tees we can give hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. 
We, a generation of seekers, will find that in order to differentiate ourselves among our peers, it is essential to present our faith and devotion to our Creator in a way that shows that we have come awake! Serving others and striving to further the Kingdom of God is a responsibility that sincere Christians should take very seriously and apparel that states that fact is an excellent way to begin. 
Christian apparel is a very popular theme in the stores today. Anyone can put a cross on a shirt and call it good. Anyone can choose their favorite verse and print it on something and call it a day. But those who are sincere and dedicated to the perpetuation of God’s word wear those shirts that stand out in a crowd. Those that make the statement that We Are Christ Followers! Bold and crazy designs that make strong statements are the ones that get noticed, the ones that are remembered. Shine your light. Show your faith. Wear passionate Jesus tees and apparel that tells the whole story. 
Why would all Christians not choose to stand up and stand proud for the One who came, who fought, who died for us? Who wouldn’t want to be the one who makes a difference or who changes a life by showing them the real, the steadfast love of God?

For information regarding : Jesus t-shirts and Patriotic t shirts please visit :

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Customers cannot lie successfully

An intimate connection exists between our physiology (the way we look) and our psychology (the way we think), so if you want to know whether someone is bored or exhilarated, a quick scan of their physiology will give you the answer.
As a Sales Motivational Speaker when addressing an audience my job is to be led by the crowds physiology rather than some prepared script!
Indeed sometimes a person’s words may say ‘yes’ but it will be crystal clear from their body language - poor eye contact, a change in posture or voice projection etc - that what they really meant to say was ‘no’. Words just got in the way!
Some time back I was a member of a panel interviewing people for a sales position. One particular candidate strode confidently into the room, pulled the chair right up to the table and placed his hands no more than a couple of inches away from mine and my colleagues.

How would you react to this?

When a stranger invades your personal space like that your first reaction is to withdraw, because at a subconscious level, you interpret this behaviour as an act of aggression.
His actions immediately put the entire interview panel into defence mode!
In the course of the interview, it emerged that this candidate had started a company that had failed. Even after careful questioning he was not prepared to take any responsibility for this failure and blamed other people, the economy, market forces and his competitors for his lack of success.
This spoke volumes to me and the other panel members and confirmed our first impression; this was an arrogant man and not suited to the position.
A person’s physiology rarely lies.

The important point is that you should pay more attention to body language - posture, gestures, the way people walk, blood circulation in their face, breathing patterns, voice projection - than you do to what a person says.
The information you glean from this analysis will dictate whether or not you should persist or leave the negotiating table. If I notice any consistent negative body language during a negotiation, regardless of whether or not it has taken weeks to get to meet the person, I immediately honour this and offer to leave. This strategy has had a major positive effect on my sales figures.

After noticing negative body language I normally will say “Dave/Mary/Madam President, I can see you have other things on your mind. Maybe we can leave it for now and reschedule at a better time for you in the future?”
There are a few possible outcomes (all positive):
The client apologises for their lack of attention and starts to focus on the negotiations – this is usually a good sign that a sale is imminent.
The client agrees to a reschedule in the future. This means that unlike many, many salespeople who persist regardless of the client’s non-verbal feedback, the door is open to future negotiations.

The client is impressed by your exit strategy and precipitates positive word of mouth within his business circles.
A sales motivational speaker knows when it is time to change the style – if there is a lack of energy, time for some interaction and fun. If they are engaged continue with the winning strategy!
Communication, it is definitely far more than words.
For more information regarding : Keynote Speakers and Exceptional Execution please visit :

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Giving is Getting

Over the past seven years, I have been involved in a fundraising drive to help build a Youth Venue in our area. Using all the skills I have as a keynote speaker; I decided to think laterally how we could build a Venue on limited income.
The first thing that came to mind was to invoke the spirit of Meitheal ( ask the community to help.) And we did resulting in all subcontractors dedicating their time and labour free to the project. The next challenge was to raise enough cash to meet the material costs. As a final part of this effort; we decided to run a Strictly Dance competition - obviously closely mirroring the TV show format.

It was a brilliant experience working with a small inspired team of fundraisers/dancers ending up with €20k more for the construction budget/ this coupled with monies raised to date, and the fact that all subcontractors were volunteering their talents meant that we were ready for off.A lot of my time and commitment was invested in the project but yet again as with past projects eg, fundraising for the construction of two schools in Africa, I got back so much more than I gave.It was genuinely humbling the reaction from the community. The night was a spectacular success not just in terms of money raised, but also in terms of production and entertainment and finally of most importance in term of building community spirit. 

One thing for sure I learned, is that there is a huge appetite for community events and positivity; and that if the event is executed properly, people will dig deep to help on so many levels. We managed to raise a huge sum of money when the general consensus was “there is no money out there.” We sold positivity and community and it worked.

Juxtapose this against the constant stream of negativity coming from the media and you can see the source of some of our problems. As the University of Amsterdam has established, there is a link between negative headlines and consumer confidence. It is time for the media to do some serious introspection about their role in the current challenging times without doubt.
On the other hand it is time for communities to realise their fate/destiny is in their own hands if they so choose. This is a mantra I have repeated for over 20 years as a Keynote speaker and it still rings true today.So the message is clear give back to your community – you will get it back in bucket loads – realise and appreciate the power of community, and how together we can change the current consciousness. 

Switch off the radio and start the community building process today.
For more information regarding : Keynote Business Speaker and Motivational Speakers please visit :